Ultrasonic Scaler for Dogs in Cortland, New York
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Price: $400
Seller: Judy Zahas
Date/Time:05 Aug, 02:35 a.m. EST
Type: Pets, For Sale - Private.
Date/Time:05 Aug, 02:35 a.m. EST
Type: Pets, For Sale - Private.
Professional Ultrasonic tooth scalar, Like new. The scalar unit adopts fine oscillation circuit (vibration as high as 34,000 times a second) and automatic frequency trace, witch ensures that transducer is in optimal working state at all times. Easy to use. Components: Scalar, Headpiece, Foot Pedal, Sharp Tip, Flat Tip, Water Tube, Spanner, Manual, Qualified Certificate. This unit is the same one my vet is using. to remove dental calculi, and bacterial specks.
Would be a great addition to your grooming of your own dog or added to your grooming business.